Limited Edition!
Over 280 color photos on 44 pages.
Written and photographed
by Angela Faye

About Angela Faye Stephens

Angela Faye grew up in Memphis, Tennessee. Her interest in photography began when she was visiting her sister’s farm in central Missouri, a rustic, rural area. She began taking pictures of the farm animals there and the scenery around her. Angela’s photographic talents continued when she met her husband and moved to Nashville. They travel country roads together looking for old barns, rusty cars and beautiful country scenes.
In March, 2020, everything changed. Angela, along with most others at the time, found herself at home with everything shut down because of the pandemic. She began to photograph the birds in and around her bird feeders in the small back yard at their home in Nashville’s urban district. She added more feeders and props to capture her new backyard friends in different settings. Angela and her husband, a graphic designer, decided to create this book showcasing the beautiful birds in their back yard. She also wanted to share some of what she learned about attracting birds over the past year.
Angela hopes you enjoy seeing these pictures as much as she enjoyed taking them.